Winterberry Moisturizing Soap

Like all of our soaps, Winterberry won't strip the skin of its natural protection—and will soothe winter-dry skin with coconut oil, olive oil, and lanolin.  If you have dry skin all winter, and need to constantly apply lotion or moisturizer, this soap will work wonders!

Ingredients: distilled water, tallow, olive oil, coconut oil, sodium hydroxide, essential herbal oils (ginger, cassia, eugenol, bergamot, nutmeg, spearmint, lavender, palma rosa, wintergreen, grapefruit, clementine, peppermint), lanolin

"Winterberry bar soap has changed my life. I spent years trying different soaps and lotions, including a variety that were prescribed by my dermatologist. When I first read about Winterberry, I knew I had to try it! Within the first 3-4 days I noticed a huge difference in my skin. My once dry, scaly, cracked skin was soon replaced with moisturized, smooth skin. I am a forever fan. Thank you!" - Jessica, Tennessee

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